Senin, 16 Februari 2015

Report of Citizen Husbandry Observation

I.                   PREFACE
A.    Background
The cow is one of livestock be consumed by Indonesian people. Besides that, in Indonesia there is a lot of husbandry that produce some product of cow husbandry. So, as a cow consumer, we have to learn and know everything as much as we can about cow and its husbandry, start from its physiology to its shed.
Because that, in Merden village, we are Taruna Panatagama’s students did an observation of citizen husbandry, so that we learn everything about livestock, as specially cowshed. Although there is not a lot of cow husbandry, we can got some  knowledge from it –insyaAllah-.

B.     Aim
a)      To observe citizen husbandry condition and cowshed properness.
b)      To classify the cow according to iys sex and its kind (exp. generation).
c)      To learn everything about live stock (cow).

C.     Time and Place
a)      Wednesday, 04 February 2015 (09.00am-11.00am).
b)      Merden, Purwanegara, Banjarnegara, Center of Java, Indonesia.

A.    The Cow
In Merden, we visited one citizen husbandry. In there, we found two cows and they are a (mom) cow and a calf. Both of them live in one cowshed. Both of them is Simmental cows. The (mom) cow’s color is brown (90%) and white (10%), beside the calf’s color is brown (95%) and white (5%) on its leg. They don’t have a bump, but they have wattle. And because that, they are Boss Taurus generation, not Indices Taurus generation. A (mom) cow is female, beside a calf is male.

B.     The Cowshed
a)      Quality Result
ð  Cow Shed Measuring
·         Width of cowshed                        = 425 cm.
·         Length of cowshed           = 288 cm.
·         High of cowshed              = 234 cm (front).
·         High of cowshed              = 211 cm (backside).

ð  Food Place Measuring
·         Width of Food Place        = 61 cm.
·         Length of Food Place       = 413 cm.
·         High of Food Place           = 30 cm.

b)      Quantity Result (condition of cowshed)
·         Its wall made of wood or bamboo.
·         Its floor made of cement.
·         Its roof made of asbestos.
·         Its framework made of bamboo or wood.
·         It’s main of framework made of cement.
·         Feces cow be scattered around the floor.
·         There is a dung reservoir, near cowshed (and the distance between both of them is 115 cm).
·         There is food place, but there is not water place.
v  So, the cow shed we visited is the loose traditional cowshed.

III.             ANALYS REPORT

A.    What is different between boss Taurus sab boss Indices?
a)      Boss Indices
·         Have wattle and hump.
·         Can adapt goodly and quickly.
·         Its body is bigger than Boss Taurus.
·         Its energy quality higher than Boss Taurus
·         Unsusceptible to illness.

b)      Boss Taurus
·         Don’t have wattle neither hump.
·         Can’t adapt goodly neither quickly.
·         Its body is smaller than Boss Indices
·         Its meet quality is higher than Boss Taurus.
·         Susceptible to illness
B.     Is that cowshed (we visited) the ideal cowshed?
v  No, because…
·         There is no ditch surround the cowshed
·         There is no water place to cow drink it
·         Its floor don’t be coated by carpet
·         Its floor don’t have declivity
·         Its roof made of asbestos

C.     How is the ideal cowshed? (in my opinion)
·         Its floor made of cements and be coated by carpet and have declivity about 15ᴼ.
·         Its floor made of roof tile and has a declivity about 20ᴼ-40ᴼ.
·         Its wall made of cement.
·         In the cowshed there is food place and water place (separable).
·         Cowshed is cleaned minimal twice in one day.
·         There is a ditch surround the cowshed.
·         The cowshed is not near dung reservoir.
·         Cow can live in there comfort.

IV.             CONCLUSION
That cowshed is loose traditional cowshed. But it enough comfort for a cow and a calf. Even though like that, that cowshed is not the ideal cowshed in (my opinion).

Created by: Salma A. Dzakiyyunnisa


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